The Contemporary New England Witch

The Contemporary New England Witch
Author Ms.Faith

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Woo Hoo! The Contemporary New England Witch's 400th Discussion!!

Good Afternoon,

To celebrate "The Life and Times of A Contemporary New England Witch"'s 400th discussion today, I thought I would administer a pop quiz! Do you have a pencil and paper ready? Well, go get some, I'll wait .  .  .

Alright, some of these questions you might already know, some maybe not. If you are a student of Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts, you should know these. For these are the types of things we go over in Saturday morning classes, in the first year Magickal Studies classes.  See how well you do. The answers will appear farther down the page.

Moon Magick:

  • How many days during the month can one do moon magick, either full moon or new moon magick? 
  • How many days in a lunar month? 
  • How long could it take for a full moon spell to manifest?
  • How long could it take for a new moon spell to manifest? 
  • Do you have to wait for the proper moon phase to cast a spell? 

Casting a Circle and Ritual Practice: 

  • A magickal group that follows a Celtic based tradition or practice, normally starts their circle casting in which compass direction? 
  • What are the four traditional Witches tools?
  • What are the four compass directions, their associated element and color? 
  • What does the Pentacle used in Witchcraft stand for? 

General Spell Casting: 

  • List the five steps of Anatomy of a Spell
  • What are magickal correspondences in Spell Casting? 
  • List five types of Spell Casting
  • Describe how to layer a Spell

These questions are just a few that students of Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts learn during their year and a day of study in the Magickal Arts. 

The answers are listed below: 

Moon Magick:

  • How many days during the month can one do moon magick, either full moon or new moon magick?  The answer is 14 days. Three days before each moon, the day of the moon either full or new, and the three days after the moon. Each moon, Full or new, allows you 7 days to cast that moon spell and utilize the powers of the moon. 
  • How many days in a lunar month? 28 days are typically considered a lunar month
  • How long could it take for a full moon spell to manifest? Up to 28 days
  • How long could it take for a new moon spell to manifest? Up to 14 days 
  • Do you have to wait for the proper moon phase to cast a spell? No. You can cast a spell utilizing the days of the week, utilizing colors, candles, direct workings with the Goddess, planetary hours of the day, etc. There are many spell methods you can use, and not all of them use the moon phases at all. 

Casting a Circle and Ritual Practice: 

  • A magickal group that follows a Celtic based tradition or practice, normally starts their circle casting in which compass direction? We typically cast our circles starting in the North. There are some groups that will cast their circles from the East, but these are not typically Celtic based or trained groups. 
  • What are the four traditional Witches tools? Wand, blade, cup and pentacle 
  • What are the four compass directions, their associated element and color? North, earth, green  East, yellow, air   South, red, fire    West, blue, water 
  • What does the Pentacle used in Witchcraft stand for? The pentacle, the five pointed star surrounded by a circle, is always used in witchcraft with the top point or apex pointing up or towards the North. 
The basic symbolism of the pentacle is the top point stands for Spirit or the Divine God/Goddess energy. The lower four points represent the Earth, Air, Fire, Water elements that witches work with and represent the physical world. By using the pentacle, apex pointing up, a witch is saying we put the Spirit or the Spiritual above the physical. At least, we try to in all of our affairs. The pentacle is also considered a protective amulet for those who wear it. 

General Spell Casting: 

  • List the five steps of Anatomy of a Spell.  The five steps are as follows: 
1. Have a Magickal Goal. Know what you are casting a spell for. You cannot just simply cast a spell and have no purpose or reason. To cast a spell is to put forth energy which will return back to you. Such as, money, love, healing, protection or tranquility
2. Method.  Choose a method of casting your spell. Will you use a petition paper? A candle? a Cord? 
3. Enchant.  Once you have the goal and method, then you enchant your spell. If using candles for example, this is when you anoint them with oil, carve symbols into them, charge them with your energy and so forth, preparing them for the spell you are about to cast. 
4. Cast the Spell.  Now that you have prepared everything (always done within a magick circle) now you can cast the spell, again in the case of using candle magick, you burn the candle. 
5. Trust.  The most important part of your spell casting is visualizing the end result and trusting that your magick will return to you. 

  • What are magickal correspondences in Spell Casting? Magickal correspondences in spell casting are magickal properties of the natural ingredients you are using, such as stones, herbs, essential oils etc. Magickal correspondences are magickal properties such as money drawing, banishing, cleansing, healing, bringing in love, passion, better sleep, calming, success in a legal situation etc. 
  • List five types of Methods of Spell Casting.  There are so many types of spells that you can cast, and in this we are specifically referring to methods, such as candle, petitions, cords, spell mixes, magickal soaps, beth salts, moon magicks, etc. 
  • Describe how to layer a Spell.  Layering a spell is simply adding more specifics or layers that all have the same magickal correspondences to work together to enhance your spell manifestation. For example, if you are casting a spell for money this is how you might choose to layer your spell: Use a green candle, anoint with patchouli oil, place green candle in a silver candle holder, place on a gold colored plate. Sprinkle chamomile around the candle and dress the plate with silver coins. These are all 'layers' that work with one another to help your wish for money to manifest. 

How did you do? Much of the above material can be found in my book "Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts First Year Magickal Studies" which is available for purchase at Enchantments and also by mail order on my website   If you are interested in taking classes at Enchantments please stop by or give us a call to see if we are accepting new students. At the time of this discussion being published we are almost full and will be starting a waiting list for students who would like to take classes. You can contact the shop by calling 860-791-6033. 

© 2010-2016 Faith M. McCann. Portions of this blog posting may include materials from my book “Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts First Year Magickal Studies.” For more information, see or go to the title of tonight's discussion and click, it will link you to my school's website. Please note that the copying and/or further distribution of this work without express written permission is prohibited. 

 If you know someone who would like my work, please send them this link. If you or they would like to be included on our daily email distribution list send me an e mail with your email address to be included. If you ever wish to unsubscribe to this blog, please contact me and you will be immediately removed from our list.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter! How the Church Uses Pagan Associations to Choose the Holy Dates

Happy Easter to all who Celebrate!

I thought it a timely topic, because today is Easter, to discuss with you, my witchy readers, some interesting things about the Christian Easter holiday. As many people already know, many of the Catholic holidays such as Christmas, All Soul's Day, Candlemass, Lammas etc. were all Christianized Pagan holy days. These celebrations were overlaid on Pagan holy days to help convert the masses to the new Christian religion that was being spread throughout Europe in the 6th century c.e.

But there is more to the Pagan-Christian correlation to the Easter holiday than simply overlaying one holiday on top of another. For starters, the name Easter was taken from the letters of the Old English spellings of Eostre or Eastre, which today is called Ostara, which is the Spring/Vernal Equinox Sabbat for Pagans.

Just a side note: I have seen memes on social media which claims Ostara and hence Easter has its origins in the Middle Eastern Goddess Ishtar and in all of my research on this Celtic-Druidic pagan Sabbat, I have never seen anything that corroborates this, except unfounded, unsupported opinion. It is so important these days to be aware that so much information on the Internet is wrong, so further research with reputable sources is vital.

More interesting facts concerning Easter, is the curious formula that the Catholic Church uses to determine the date of Easter Sunday.  They place Easter Sunday on the first Sunday to fall after the Paschal full moon, which is the first full moon to occur after the Spring/Vernal Equinox! Oh my! There's Pagan correlations all over the place! Full moons, Spring Equinox (Ostara)!! So, using this formula, Easter Sunday always falls between March 22 and April 25th.

 I simply love how close and alike we are, in many ways with Christians, as opposed to how different we are. We may have different 'dogma' but we are so very alike.  Christians are celebrating the resurrection of their Christ, Pagans are celebrating the resurrection of the earth as She comes into Spring.

Once the church has determined the date of Easter Sunday, then the other important Holy days are determined. For instance, Good Friday is two days before Easter Sunday, Palm Sunday (the sixth Sunday of Lent) is the Sunday one week before Easter. Ash Wednesday is figured by finding Easter Sunday and backing up six Sundays (which brings you to the first Sunday of Lent and back up four more days, which gives you Ash Wednesday which occurs before the first Sunday of Lent.

So many people, even if they identify as Pagan today, have started out their life as some type of Christian and I love the family gatherings, the social aspect of celebrating together, the feast (which has it's basis is Pagan culture), all of it. You see, the way I look at it, I can celebrate any holy day I wish to and it doesn't affect my beliefs and my faith. Celebrating a Christian holiday with others doesn't threaten my spirituality, nor should it. But if you celebrate today with others or if you are just enjoying a quiet day off, I hope you enjoy today!!  Happy Easter, Blessed Ostara, Happy Spring!!

Peace and Happiness!

© 2010-2016 Faith M. McCann. Portions of this blog posting may include materials from my book “Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts First Year Magickal Studies.” For more information, see or go to the title of tonight's discussion and click, it will link you to my school's website. Please note that the copying and/or further distribution of this work without express written permission is prohibited. 

 If you know someone who would like my work, please send them this link. If you or they would like to be included on our daily email distribution list send me an e mail with your email address to be included. If you ever wish to unsubscribe to this blog, please contact me and you will be immediately removed from our list.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Words from The Goddess, so Very Much Needed at this Time

Good Afternoon,

This has been such a week of tragedy, with the bombings in Brussels, the continued killings in the Middle East, so much hatred and fear growing and flourishing in the United States and around the world, as people try to figure out who is harmful and who is not. Who is a threat and who is not.

I thought about this post for a long while, a week or more, and after the bombings yesterday, decided it needed to be put out there. I have, over the years, had the occasional prophetic dream.  A dream, that upon awakening, has come true or has had an impact on my life. Well, I had a curious dream about a week ago I want to share with you.  I shared it with all the participants at our Ostara Spring Equinox celebration last Saturday and decided to discuss it with you here.

There is so much stuff going on in the world today, sadness, hatred, neglect, abuse both of animals and humans, especially children, war, maiming and killing, the list seems endless. I had a few things going on in my life the last few weeks, a witch's life isn't always bubbles and sunshine! And I went to bed one night less than happy and wondering at the state of the world and my place in it.

Right before I woke up, when you're in the warm, fuzzy, dream like state, right before your brain sharpens and floods you with reality, I heard a voice. A female voice. I remember smiling, as I knew it was the Goddess speaking to me, and I found it cool that her voice, for me, was feminine. Now, I have never heard the Goddess speak directly to me before, or if She has, I wasn't in a place to remember it. But I knew the words she spoke that morning to me, needed to be remembered.

I also found it curious the words she chose, and she said " I have hard-wired you all, for one thing and one thing only .  .  . Love! Nothing else matters, nothing else is important. Try to get back to the beginning, where there is only Love." 

I woke up and thought about Her words and am still thinking about them, as they seem simple enough on the surface, but they feel like they go deep, very, very deep into my soul. With everything happening in the world, surely there must be more than just Love?

Shouldn't we feel anger at the senseless murders and deaths taking place every day? Shouldn't we cry at the abuse of animals and children and of each other? Shouldn't we demand justice for all the injustices and wrongs in the world?

Or should we? Yes, I believe we are in a human framework right now and that is to be taken into consideration. But when I feel helpless with all that is happening that I can't change, that none of us can change, when I feel angry at the unfairness of life, when I want to in some way blame someone for all that's wrong in the world, I come back to Her words.


Just that simple. Just that easy. Maybe that is all I need to remember .  .  .  is Love. Maybe that is all I need to do .  .  .  Is to Love.

I wanted to share this with you. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go stir my cauldron for a while and contemplate this message.  .  .  Love.

Peace and Happiness

© 2010-2016 Faith M. McCann. Portions of this blog posting may include materials from my book “Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts First Year Magickal Studies.” For more information, see or go to the title of tonight's discussion and click, it will link you to my school's website. Please note that the copying and/or further distribution of this work without express written permission is prohibited. 

 If you know someone who would like my work, please send them this link. If you or they would like to be included on our daily email distribution list send me an e mail with your email address to be included. If you ever wish to unsubscribe to this blog, please contact me and you will be immediately removed from our list.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Ostara and Easter and the Correlations Between Them

Happy Ostara and a Blessed Easter!

The Vernal/Spring Equinox has been celebrated across the world by many Pagan cultures for centuries. Before the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth and the religion that was developed and propagated by his disciples, everyone, by definition, was Pagan. What I mean by the word Pagan, was at that time,  people, cultures that believed in worship and in a power greater than themselves. A spiritual being or beings that ruled the world of Nature, the Earth, the wind, water, the elements of the natural world.

They believed in Goddesses who gave birth to the world as they knew it, and of Gods who, in tandem with the Goddesses kept the world turning, the seasons changing and provided the sustenance and nourishment, shelter and clothing, all derived from the natural world, which kept them alive and thriving. The entire world of the Pagan was being a part of Nature. These ancient peoples lived in Nature whereas today, we live in spite of Nature.

In this world of Nature, these Pagans, observed the world around them for information as to how the world worked and in turn how they existed within this world. For this time of the year, they saw, after the 'death' of winter, the re-birth of the Earth.  They saw the gentle greening of the grasses, the tender budding of the trees, the first blooms in the gardens, the warming of the air. They saw the wild birds start laying eggs in the nests, the rutting of the rabbits which resulted in baby bunnies, which is one of the first animals of the forest and fields to give birth in the spring.

The entire celebration of this holy day (holiday) was to rejoice in the return of Spring, which meant warmer, easier days and nights, fresh greens and food stuffs and fresh eggs, and fresh meat to hunt and eat.  The early Christians also celebrated re-birth, but for them then, as for Christians today, their celebration is for the re-birth, the resurrection, of Jesus Christ. The renewal of the soul, the spirit, after death, to be resurrected and allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

But, we, each of us, Pagans and Christians are celebrating the return of Spring in one fashion or another and each is special and important. We Pagans celebrate with feasting and the enjoyment of foods that we might have been deprived of during the scarce winter months. The scarcity of nourishing foods was a reality in ancient days, more so than today. Many Christians of today recognize a period of want or self denial of certain luxuries, the Lenten season, which is ended or broken with the Easter feast which often includes rich, special foods not often indulged in during the rest of the year.

After having gone six weeks, of Lent, without many 'treats', we see the Easter celebrations today incorporating sweets, candy and chocolates, rich pastries, breads, cakes and egg based dishes. Ham is an ancient, traditional dish served at this time, as pork was a sacred meat and food stuff for the ancient Celts and Druids. Just about every culture from Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Mediterranean cultures all celebrate Easter or Ostara or some recognition of the return of the Spring.

Even the origins of the word Easter, according to Etymology experts, derives from the ancient Proto-Germanic word Eastre, which means dawn and was the name of a Goddess of Spring and fertility. Eastre is also the ancient spelling of the word Ostara. It is believed to be the only Christian holy day whose name was taken directly from the spelling of it's Pagan equivalent.

I have often felt, that this holiday, more so than any other on the Wheel of the Year, brings Pagans and Christians closer together than any other holiday. Yes, many of the Christian holy days have been adapted from Pagan Sabbats, but Ostara/Easter is so close in so many ways and observances, to make us more alike than different.

So, whether you celebrate Ostara or Easter or both! I wish you a blessed Spring Equinox and a lovely return of Spring. Bright Blessings, Ms. Faith

Peace and Happiness

© 2010-2016 Faith M. McCann. Portions of this blog posting may include materials from my book “Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts First Year Magickal Studies.” For more information, see or go to the title of tonight's discussion and click, it will link you to my school's website. Please note that the copying and/or further distribution of this work without express written permission is prohibited. 

 If you know someone who would like my work, please send them this link. If you or they would like to be included on our daily email distribution list send me an e mail with your email address to be included. If you ever wish to unsubscribe to this blog, please contact me and you will be immediately removed from our list.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Some Little Known Facts Regarding St. Patrick's Day

Good Afternoon,

The truth of it is, many Pagans do not celebrate St. Patrick because of his association with the annihilation of the Druid's and Pagan Celts, as he formally orchestrated their deaths and by doing so was able to bring his Christian religion to the British Isles. But, many Pagans can and do celebrate the Irish and the Celtic peoples on this day, and it can be a day to celebrate all things Irish!

The flag depicted above was the official Irish flag from 1542 to 1801 and the color blue was known as St. Patrick's blue.  Blue was the official color of Ireland, but there is a legend that St. Patrick chose the clover or Shamrock as his emblem, because the three leaved plant, it is said he told fellow Christians, that the Shamrock  represented the Holy Trinity. The Holy trinity, which to Christians is The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. But the Holy Trinity was already very well known in Celtic Pagan Ireland and still today we Pagans recognize it as The Maiden, The Mother and The Crone, aspects of the Goddess. This legend, while lovely, is not true, at least to scholars knowledgeable about the Saint, but the Shamrock was used in Ireland at the time to represent the Christian cross.

So by the association of the tiny Shamrock with St. Patrick, this caused the eventual demise of his sacred color, in favor of the now famously known Irish green.

And many do not know that St. Patrick (it is believed his real name was Maewyn Succat, he adopted the name Patrick or Patricius upon becoming a priest ) was not Irish at all, but he was Roman Briton. He was born in Scotland to Roman parents who lived in Briton and were at that time in charge of the colonies. It is believed he was born around 375 c.e. (Common Era, which has replaced the A.D.)

When he was a teen he was kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland, where he tended sheep on Slemish Mountain, Co. Antrim.  It is believed he was a slave for 6 years and during this time he had a dream where God came to him and told him to run away from his captors to the coast where a boat would be waiting to take him away.

He sailed to France where he studied to become a Priest and then a Bishop. He then had another dream, it is reported, that told him to bring the Christian teachings back to Ireland. He spent 40 years preaching and 'converting' people to Christianity, until in 432 it is said all of Ireland had converted. I put the word converting in quotes because it sounds so much like gentle persuasion when history tells us that the conversions of the Pagan peoples to Christianity was anything but gentle. It was a murderous, torturous endeavor and in the end, those who did not convert were killed.

Scholars believe that those women, the Druidic Priestesses of the Celtic peoples, took another tactic and entered the newly built convents attached to the newly built monasteries and where once they were called Priestesses they were afterwards called Nuns. But the work of the Goddess was still being done. Caring for the poor and ill, providing midwifery care, tending to the orphans, ministering to the dying.

There are those scholars who feel that March 17th was the day of St. Patrick's death in 461 c.e, (which would have made him 86 years old)  and those who believe it marked the day of his birth. After so many years it is hard to tell, but during the time in which he lived it was more common to mark the day of death as significant, rather than the day of birth, which has more significance to us today. There are many different years attributed to St. Patrick's birth and many for his year of death, but we do know he lived and did succeed for his time in driving the Druid's and Pagan ways out of Ireland.

Another little known fact, though St. Patrick was credited with converting all of Ireland to Christianity, there were Christians in Ireland before he came back. But he became, by far, the most famous of all the Christians bent on converting the masses.

Many now know that there were never any snakes in Ireland, but the snake was a metaphor for the Druid's and Pagans and for thousands of years the serpent or snake was known as a symbol of women's knowledge, power, and a sign of the Goddess.

For those who enjoy going to a St. Patrick's Day parade, it is curious to note,  that these parades did not originate in Ireland but in Boston in 1737, and was originally hosted by the Charitable Irish Society of Boston. Now parades celebrating the Irish are held all over the world.

In addition to his many 'occupations' such as sheep herder when younger, Priest and Bishop, St. Patrick  was known for preaching, writing, traveling, church building and, interestingly enough, hill walking. At the time of St. Patrick, it was very common for those on a spiritual quest to go on pilgrimages, and these consisted on walking great distances and in the case of the Tor in South West England, one could spend an entire day walking the spiral procession from the base of the Tor to the top. It was a similar practice to what we do today when walking a labyrinth.

For more than 1,000 years the Irish have observed March 17th as a religious Holy Day (Holiday) which falls in the parameters of Lent and have attended church in the morning and often held a feast meal of boiled cabbage, root vegetables and Irish bacon. Corned Beef is also an American addition to this Irish holiday, along with dying beer green.  Irish Soda bread dates from 1840 when Bicarbonate of Soda was first introduced to Ireland, and traditional Irish Soda bread has a cross cut into the top of the loaf to keep evil and harm away from the household. A magickal practice in it's own right.

Well, these are just a few bits of trivia surrounding this day of celebrating all things Irish and Celtic and I hope you enjoyed this discussion! My next post will be about Ostara which is coming up in just a few days!

Peace and Happiness!

© 2010-2016 Faith M. McCann. Portions of this blog posting may include materials from my book “Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts First Year Magickal Studies.” For more information, see or go to the title of tonight's discussion and click, it will link you to my school's website. Please note that the copying and/or further distribution of this work without express written permission is prohibited. 

 If you know someone who would like my work, please send them this link. If you or they would like to be included on our daily email distribution list send me an e mail with your email address to be included. If you ever wish to unsubscribe to this blog, please contact me and you will be immediately removed from our list.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Omens, Visions and Premonitions

Good Evening,

Let us discuss this evening, Omens, Visions and Premonitions. They are often considered the same to some people but they ave important distinctions.


The ancient Druid's, who were the Holy Priests of the ancient Celtic people (pronounced Kel-tic), often looked around them and observed nature and natural phenomenon to see omens of things to come or perhaps to explain an occurrence or happening. People nowadays also see omens in things around them, but it's important to be able to see omens clearly and understand what they mean.

For instance, if your car breaks down one day, runs out of gas the next day and then you come up to road blocks and detours the rest of the week, some might see these as omens of a dire nature. But are they negative in nature? Perhaps your car breaking down prevents you from being involved in a nasty accident or traffic jam. The road blocks and detours could simply be telling you to take a different route every now and again and appreciate a different view and maybe you'll see something you ordinarily wouldn't have seen.

Many people see wildlife, a specific wild bird, a wild flower bloom and they remind the person of a loved one who has passed away. A kind of, message from beyond. You can also get messages from beyond when you hear a special song on the radio, when you overhear a brief snippet of a conversation, even seeing a specialized license plate, can speak to you!

But take an omen or message for what it is, a sign that there are things bigger than us in the universe. Even those that experience a ghostly presence, it is seldom a negative thing, it is simply different. It doesn't need to be bad, evil or scary.


There are times when you might get a vision of things to come, or something that is happening at that exact moment and you get a glimpse beyond the veil. I tend towards visions more so than any of the others, though I do get my share of omens and premonitions. But visions come to me quite often. I'll have a half dream, when you're almost awake or almost asleep, when visions come to me. I'll see loved ones who have passed, not only in my life, but in friends and other people. If the person is close I will tell them what I saw and heard in the vision half dream. Recently I have a friend that told me he had misplaced his cell phone. He thought he might have left it at a restaurant, but as soon as he mentioned it to me I saw his phone, deep in the seat crease in his car. That is where he found it. The more you believe in the visions that come to you, the more they will come to you. Skepticism, self-doubt will curb you from receiving visions, so have an open  mind and see what comes to you.


Premonitions are visions or omens that foretell a future event. Unlike divination that is a formal practice of seeing into the future using tools of some sort, like runes, crystal balls or tarot cards, premonitions come to the person unaided and spontaneously. They have the irritating quality of 'popping' into your mind at anytime, regardless of what you are doing. You just suddenly see something, and you get the feedback a few minutes, hours or days later when the vision happens to come true. Again, if you believe in the information coming to you, it can aid you in your day to day life.

Many people first start to experience premonitions when they start going through puberty. During this time, between the ages of 12-14, typically, young teens often see things that then come true. I, myself, had a number of premonitions when I was around 12 years old. One's critical mind normally slow down these experiences when someone grows older and matures, but some people retain the ability. The good news is, even if you no longer feel that you have visions, see omens or have premonitions, the more you read about the subject, the more you practice magickal skills, the more you will open your mind and start "seeing" beyond what is normally seen.

Peace and Happiness

© 2010-2016 Faith M. McCann. Portions of this blog posting may include materials from my book “Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts First Year Magickal Studies.” For more information, see or go to the title of tonight's discussion and click, it will link you to my school's website. Please note that the copying and/or further distribution of this work without express written permission is prohibited. 

 If you know someone who would like my work, please send them this link. If you or they would like to be included on our daily email distribution list send me an e mail with your email address to be included. If you ever wish to unsubscribe to this blog, please contact me and you will be immediately removed from our list.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

More on Working with Crystal Grids!

Good Afternoon,

I have received a lot of positive, wonderful feedback concerning the last discussion on crystal grids.  I am so happy people liked the discussion. I have been asked though, to go into more detail on what I can construct a crystal grid to do and what I could magickally manifest using the grids.

Crystal grids can be used to manifest just about any outcome you desire. You simply need to give the grid time to condense and localize it's energy before it is sent out to the user.

We've discussed the Fab Five magickal spell casting goals before, i.e. money, love, healing, tranquility and protection. But crystal grids can be worked to manifest more specific goals not encompassed by the fab five.

You can, for instance, construct a grid to help you manifest the perfect job for you, or create the best possible, loving relationship with a significant other, You can use one to keep a loved one safe that is away from home, perhaps a soldier over seas, heal a sick animal or communicate with loved ones who have passed over. You can use a grid to banish harmful energies from your space, help you lose weight, have more endurance and stamina when working out, make you sleep better and more completely, keep your house tidy and organized, ensure a dinner party goes just right. There is no limit to where you can go with crystal grids.

  • So start by having a magickal goal. What will you manifest (change) in your life with the grid? 
  • Then start gathering the supplies. The diagram you will use, the crystals and stones and wand. 
  • Gather as needed, any additional supplies you'll need such as a petition paper or tarot card to put under the center focus stone. 
  • Smudge the area and your supplies to eliminate unwanted energies and enhance the wanted energies. 
  • You can lightly anoint each stone with a trace smear of essential oil, of course, in keeping with the magickal goal. 
  • After you have constructed your crystal grid, feel free to burn some candles around the grid, again also in keeping with the magickal goal. 
  • Remember to draw the path of the energies with the wand, from your third eye, to each stone around the pattern. 
If you have any questions, please refer to last weeks discussion on Crystal Grids. It was published right before this one and is the next in line as you scroll down the page. 

Crystal Grid work, as I have described it,  with it's various elements of construction and charging, becomes a multi-layered advanced spell casting tool that anyone can use. You must be focused and visualize each and every step clearly, construct it, ideally, in a magick circle or at least have all items in a magick circle, charge them and then construct the final grid where it will stay put. Make sure you can construct it and leave it set up with no disturbance for at least 40 days. 

As a final note to working with the grids or with magick in general, remember you can not do anything that will adversely affect  another, such as a curse or a hex. It simply will not work against them and will only come directly back to you. Never try to send a harmful or negative spell against another, no matter how 'righteous' you think you are. That is considered black magick and makes the person doing it a dark magician, and they will find their powers quickly taken away, rendering them incapable of manifesting anything, good or bad. Stick with love and light and your magick will be quite effective. Ms. Faith 

Peace and Happiness 

© 2010-2016 Faith M. McCann. Portions of this blog posting may include materials from my book “Enchantments School for the Magickal Arts First Year Magickal Studies.” For more information, see or go to the title of tonight's discussion and click, it will link you to my school's website. Please note that the copying and/or further distribution of this work without express written permission is prohibited. 

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